Robocar Poli
Robocar Poli (Original Title: "로보카폴리") is a South Korean animated children's television series created by ROI VISUAL. The series released its first season on EBS in Korea in 2011. And season 2 has just been released on EBS in 26th February in 2014. The series follows special police car Poli and his teammate, fire-truck Roy, ambulance Amber, Helicopter Helly and operator girl Jin. Through the rescue process of each episode, children get to know about the daily safe tips, being a good friend, reinforcing what parents would like to teach their children at home about preciousness and happiness when they help others by poli and his friends.
Production : ROI VISUAL (
Korea : EBS every Wed/Thur 5:30PM from 26th February (ON AIR)
Japan : TV Tokyo every Tuesday from 2nd April
France : Piwi Plus in April
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